To The Christians

There exists a deeper purpose explaining the effort and energy spent preparing this website.  Having listened to many exasperated Christians calling into radio shows hoping the trained clergy and radio hosts might lead them to solid reasoning which might silence the inner voice within their heart screaming “you cannot vote for that monster!”, I felt compelled to share another option, which begs you to listen to that inner voice.

For many Christians, the Christian faith cannot be reconciled with numerous social stances advocated by the Democratic platform.  Additionally, many Christians cannot bring themselves to support Donald Trump.  What’s more, many Christians feel pressure from family and from brothers and sisters in Christ to vote for the party platform regardless of the man standing atop the platform.  I want to encourage those struggling with that decision and pressure to cast their struggles on Christ, as that is where they belong.  Our trust is to be in Christ and not a party’s platform. 

A brief snippet from the article Monsters on the Ballot / None of the Above will explain my vote for President.

– As far as my vote, my worldview affords me another reasonable choice which will be far less mainstream.  I am going to place my full trust in God and believe even this “dumpster fire” is all a part of His glorious plan.  Because of this, I feel free to mark my ballot by selecting an eligible write-in candidate I feel most qualified to lead our great nation.  Of course, I recognize that other Christians out there squirm at that notion and equate a “non vote” to that of a vote for the opposition.  I can understand their consternation for it seems impossibly difficult to reconcile this action to one of extreme faith.  But to change the Trump/Clinton analogy from Hitler/Stalin to say Judas Iscariot/Satan, one must recognize that at some point a line in the sand must be drawn.  And when that line has been crossed, a Christian can feel called to stand up and say “No, I will not cast my vote for evil regardless of the platform on which it stands!” –

Please feel encouraged to listen to the inner voice.
